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"Your wings already exist, you've just got to muster up the bravery to fly."

I think about how many times we hang our heads and say this is it. This is rock bottom; the defining moment for me. But then, we keep going. We just don’t know what’s around the corner and the experiences we are yet to have and the people we have yet to meet.


"Courage is the power to let go of the familiar." - Raymond Lindquist

It is time to change the narrative. We must all find our undiscovered voices and work towards a better tomorrow. Sarah’s leadership skills and her strength to stand in the face of erroneous societal norms make her truly exemplary. The secret of change is to focus all of your energy not on fighting the old, but on building the new.


There is a common debate about polyamory being an orientation or a lifestyle choice – Cat refers to it as a ‘capacity’. In a traditional mono-normative society we have this idea that our spouse should be everything for us – our partner, our co-parent, our best friend, our business partner, our adventure buddy – undoubtedly, that’s a lot of pressure on a single person. However, just like the Color Wheel Theory of Love – nothing is binary; black or white. Things are not either platonic or romantic. There is so much more lost in that grey abyss. In fact, a polyamorous relationship doesn’t necessarily have to have a sexual component at all, but rather about embracing all the different layers of the relationship and celebrating love in every single form possible.

She couldn’t believe she has broken the shackles of cultural norms that were tied to her. Belonging to a country like Pakistan, being a divorced, single mom and a business owner were all extremely new concepts to grasp, and dare I say, Anam has been the epitome of resilience through it all. She fought tirelessly to secure her child’s future while staying within the boundaries set by her family and their values. Anam knew she had to make that change for her daughter and break the cycle where women are told to just be mothers and wives. She couldn’t settle for this for the sake of her future generations.

Businesses should be designed around social good and therefore, InsureGood is a social enterprise, working to break down wealth gaps that exist for women in minorities in business ownership. By 2030, InsureGood aims to bring 25 women and/or underrepresented populations into agency ownership. The reason women aren’t seen in leadership roles is because of a lack of resources. InsureGood aims to provide these women the right mentorship, the right training opportunities, and basically, a blueprint to make this opportunity accessible for women in minorities who wouldn’t have even known it existed, not only to make this opportunity known but also set them up for success.

"We are incredible species, we’re too special to not feel valuable. Kat refers to herself as a nurturer and a pioneer in curating a need-based business that is a predominantly taboo subject. When you radiate love and you are your true authentic self and you are operating in a space of excellence, you become of service to those around you, and that makes you more deserving of what you are demanding. A Woman's Intention Brunches cultivate a space for networking, empowerment, entertainment, education, and transformational experiences. Local vendors, mental health advocates, and other like-minded women are providing an opportunity to step outside of the box and explore the intention for your life as a powerful and well-supported woman. They have a mental wellness panel, a VIP intention workshop focus groups, raffles, wine, food, photo ops, and interactive demos with local women-owned businesses."

"Sarah’s commitment to improving women’s lives is truly outstanding. She has stood in the face of many storms and has been able to fight through them with extraordinary resilience. With the support of her friends and family, she was able to expand her network and has become more than an asset to our incredible community of women in insurance."

" “When you change any big structure, you really need to persevere,” says Kit. And persevere is exactly what they continue to do every day. Lauren and Kit's idea The Safe at Work Policy was named Fast Company's Best Idea 2022."

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